Conservatory Window Tinting v Blinds

We often get asked how Window Films compare to Blinds in conservatories.

The simple answer is conservatory window films out perform blinds on all levels.


Window film is applied directly to the glass blocking heat from entering the conservatory. Blinds sit back from the glass and allow the heat to enter and radiate into the room, soon making it unbearable to be in.


Window film cuts glare by 78% keeping the conservatory comfortable to be in and you never lose your view. Blinds have to be constantly opened and closed and when closed you can’t see out.

Dust & Flies:

Window film is polyester based and doesn’t gather dust, dirt or flies. Blinds are dust and fly traps which are hard to clean.

Conservatory Window Tinting

Window films win hands down in our opinion !!

For a free no obligation quotation please call us on 0800 566 8780.